Course Code: BSM06 | Title: Bespoke Management Masterclass | Duration: 5 Days (Customisable)
Delivery: Face To Face & Live Online
This bespoke management programme includes the following core training courses:
- Time Management: Mastering The Art of Time
- Project Management: Mastering the Art of Project Management
- Introduction to Management & Supervision: Foundations of Leadership
- Mastering The Art Of Management: Management & Leadership Skills
- Mental Health For Managers: Managing Staff with Mental Health Difficulties
This training is specifically tailored to your company’s working environment, incorporating relevant procedures, tasks, and challenges that your managers face on a daily or monthly basis.
This programme offers complete flexible delivery options: it can be completed consecutively over five days, spread out over a five-week period, or scheduled monthly. Additionally, if you wish to only do 3 of the 5 days, we can restructure to only cover exactly what you are looking for. Training can be held at the PCS training suite or on-site at your location.
Who Should Attend Time Management Training?
- Individuals new to the roles and responsibilities of management or supervision, as well as experienced managers seeking to enhance their management and leadership skills
Benefits From Attending The Training:
- Gain a comprehensive understanding of the supervisor’s role & key responsibilities in team success
- Learn to adapt leadership styles for different situations
- Improve communication skills by mastering the use of words, tone, and body language
Course Content
Time Management:
- Setting Objectives & Prioritization
- Time Auditing & Planning
- Delegation & Self-Management
Project Management:
- Project Initiation & Planning
- Risk Management & Gantt Charts
- Stakeholder Communication
Introduction to Management & Supervision:
- Understand core duties and responsibilities
- Learn what teams need to perform well
- Know when and how to delegate for productivity
Mastering The Art Of Management:
- Leadership Styles & Communication
- Strengthening team dynamics
- Recognizing team strengths and weaknesses
Mental Health For Managers:
- Workplace risks, bullying and resentment
- Navigate pay, sickness, disciplinary actions & redundancy
- Identifying & addressing potential cases of staff feigning illness
Additional Leadership & Development:
- Team Development & SMART Objectives
- Change Management & Discipline